Prof. Dr. Michael Fuhlrott

Hamburg Frankfurt

Michael Fuhlrott advises companies, CEOs, directors and management in all fields of labour law.

Michael Fuhlrott studied law in Göttingen, where he worked as a student assistant at the chair for social security law during his studies. After completing his studies, he moved to Bonn, where he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Labor Law and completed his doctorate on employee liability. He spent his legal clerkship in Hamburg, Bonn and Speyer, working in various labor law related positions. He was admitted to the bar in 2008 in Hamburg and subsequently worked for several years at renowned international law firms, focusing exclusively on labor law.

Michael Fuhlrott took a break from his work as a lawyer from 2013 to 2014 to accept a professorship in employment law at a state university. In 2014, he accepted a professorship in employment law at a Hamburg university, where he built up the business law department at the Hamburg location from 2014 to spring 2022 and most recently was responsible for the business law and human resources management courses as Dean of Studies. Since his return to Hamburg, he has been working as a lawyer again. Before founding FUHLROTT ARBEITSRECHT, Michael Fuhlrott was a founding partner and head of the labor law practice at FHM in Hamburg.

Michael Fuhlrott is also an examiner for the second state law examination and a speaker in the training of specialist lawyers for labor law, as well as at congresses and seminars for HR managers. He is the editor and author of almost 1,000 specialist publications on employment law, which are also recognized in the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal Labor Court, and the Federal Social Court, as well as various labor law courts of appeal. He is regularly interviewed by the media (including ARD-Tageschau, ZDF-Heute Journal, ZDF Frontal, F.A.Z., SPIEGEL, WELT, taz) on labor law issues.

Michael Fuhlrott has also successfully completed training as a certified mediator and data protection officer (TÜV).

WirtschaftsWoche, Focus, Handelsblatt, BrandEins and stern have honored him for his expertise in employment law. ZDF lists him in its list of experts on ZDF programs as an expert for labor law and commercial law. He is co-editor of the magazine ArbeitsrechtAktuell.

Area of expertise

  • Ongoing labor law advice for companies, from agreed annual targets to terminations
  • Planning, support and implementation of operational change
  • Negotiations with work councils and drafting of collective working conditions
  • Drafting of individual employment contracts and personalized measures
  • Labor law litigation
  • Internal investigations
  • Employee data protection and privacy
  • Introduction of labor law compliance measures such as whistleblowers or ombudsmen
  • Employment law consulting for managers and protection against unwarranted dismissal
  • Advice for managing directors and executive bodies
  • Training courses and lectures


  • German Labor Court Association
  • Hamburg Bar Association (HAV)
  • German Bar Association (DAV) – Labor Law Committee
  • Member of the Examination Office for the Second State Examination
  • Alumni Göttingen – Chapter Board Law
  • Labor Lawyers’ Association of Germany (VDAA e.V.)
  • German Armed Forces Reservists Association


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  • Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zum Betriebsübergang – ein Überblick – ArbeitsrechtAktuell (ArbRAktuell) 2024, S. 305 ff.
  • Annahmeverzugslohn – böswilliges Unterlassen anderweitigen Verdienstes – Urteilsanmerkung zu BAG v. 7.2.2024, 5 AZR 177/23, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2024, S. 1589 f.
  • Rezension zu Fitting/Trebinger/Linsenmaier, BetrVG, 32. Aufl., 2024 – Arbeitsrechtliche Entscheidungen (AE) 2024, S. 137 ff. (zusammen mit Matthias Mai)
  • Rezension zu Oberthür/Chandna-Hoppe, Handbuch Mobile Work, 2024 – Arbeitsrechtliche Entscheidungen (AE) 2024, S. 141
  • Mehr Urlaub nur für Gewerk­schafter? – LegalTribuneOnline (LTO) v. 1.7.2024. Der Beitrag ist hier online abrufbar. +49 40 3039875-0