Best Law Firms: Tier 1 for Labor and Employment Law

Fuhlrott Arbeitsrecht is nationally ranked in 1 practice areas and regionally awarded in 2 practice areas. Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process.

National Rankings

Tier 1 for Labor and Employment Law

Regional Rankings


Tier 1 for Employee Benefits Law

Tier 1 for Labor and Employment Law


Tier 1 for Labor and Employment Law

Tier 2 for Employee Benefits Law

The quantitative and qualitative data collected is combined into an overall Best Law Firms – Germany score for each firm. This data is then compared to other firms within the same jurisdictions and at the national level. Because firms are often separated by small differences in overall score, we use a tier system rather than ranking law firms sequentially. The first tier includes those firms that score within a certain percentage of the highest-scoring firms; the second tier those firms that score within a certain percentage of the next highest-scoring firms, and so on. National rankings are based on jurisdictional awards, the scope of the firms’ coverage in an area outside of one jurisdiction, and the level of legal activity in each region. The number of tiers included in each practice area ranking varies, and some specialties may not be ranked in areas where there is not enough data to provide rankings in a particular specialty.

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